Baptism in the Parish of Dunshaughlin and Culmullen
We warmly welcome parents who present their babies for Baptism in our parish!
To Arrange a Baptism for your Child:
- Call or e-mail the Parish Secretary to register your interest.
- Please visit the Parish office in person during opening hours and pick up a registration form.
- Return your completed and signed form to the Parish Office at your earliest convenience.
Parish Secretary Contact Details:
Telephone: 01-825-9114
Email: office@dcparish.ie
Hours: Monday to Friday (10am – 2pm)
The Secretary will ask for your name and address, etc. It is important to give at least 2 months’ notice to help in getting your preferred date.

Times of Baptism
Dunshaughlin Church:
- 1st Saturday of the month @ 2.00 p.m.
- 4th Sunday of the month @ 2.00 p.m.
Culmullen Church:
- 2nd Sunday of the month @ 2.00 p.m.
*Note: Please arrive at the church 5 minutes before the ceremony begins.

Baptism Preparation
After completing the registration process with the Parish Secretary and submitting your registration form, please get in touch with Íde on 087-153-2994 to schedule the Pre-Baptism Presentation. These informative sessions take place on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 8:00 p.m. in the Pastoral Centre, and provide an opportunity for parents to learn more about what to expect on the day of the baptism, connect with others in your local community, and enjoy a cuppa.
We extend an invitation to all parents to participate!

Godparents’ Role
A gentle reminder to select your child’s Godparents with care. It’s important that Godparents are adults who have received the sacraments of baptism and confirmation within the Catholic Faith.

Special Bi-Annual Mass
Twice a year, typically in May and October, we come together for a special Mass and blessing to celebrate the children who have been baptised in the past six months. Details about these heartwarming gatherings will be shared during the Pre-Baptism Presentation.
As the date draws near, you will also receive a reminder text, and we kindly request that you respond to this message at least one week before the Mass. Your timely response helps our Baptism Team prepare for this beautiful occasion.
This event is truly special, a heartwarming opportunity for parents whose babies may grow up together and become lifelong friends. During the Mass, we call out each baby’s name, extending a warm welcome into our parish community. Following the ceremony, all are invited to the Pastoral Centre for refreshments, fostering connections and shared joy among families. It’s a delightful moment you won’t want to miss!