Funeral Arrangements
To arrange a funeral ceremony please contact the priest of the parish on 01 825 9114.
Celebrating the sacraments is at the core of our parish life.
Here we provide all the details for the celebration of the sacraments in our parish.
Baptism Arrangements
The Sacrament of Baptism for parishioners is celebrated in our parish as follows
First Saturday and fourth Sunday in Dunshaughlin Church
Second Sunday in Culmullen.
Ceremonies at 2 pm.
Please call to the Parish Office to collect a registration form and return to the office when you have decided on a date.
Pre-baptismal Preparation: Parents are required to attend a pre-baptism meeting in the Pastoral Centre. Please contact Roisin Blake on 086 841 2260 to enroll in this course and for full details.
Marriage Arrangements
We welcome your decision to get married in our Parish.
For details on all aspects of your Church marriage arrangements and preparation please click here.
Confirmation is celebrated each year in our parish. The dates for confirmation in 20xx will be announced by Christmas.
First Communion
First Communion ceremonies take place in the month of May. A programme of preparation takes place throughout the year.
Reconciliation (Confession)
Sacrament of (Confession) takes place:
Every Saturday in Dunshaughlin Church (12 noon until 1 pm)
Or contact the Parish Priest on 01 825 9114
Housebound and Sacrament of the Sick
Every First Friday of the month, the priests visit the housebound with Holy Communion. If you are unable to attend Mass due to illness or frailty and would like to be visited by a priest on the First Friday, please feel free to contact the Parish Office, Tel: 01 825 9114, to be included on the First Friday visits.
Eucharist - First Holy Communion
An important year in the life of your child, for their class, their teachers, and also for you the parents/guardians.
In this diocese, church weddings can take place on any day other than Sundays and major feast days.
Holy Orders
Our diocese has a director of vocations and we’d be delighted to make an introduction for any interested candidates.
Anointing of the Sick
The priests of the parish attend to our sick in hospitals and at home.