Our Christian calling is to live this life, here and now, as authentic disciples, while
remembering that the hour of our death will come, sooner or later. We focus on these two
moments – now, and the hour of our death – every time we pray the Hail Mary.
The feast of the Assumption is about what Mary experienced at the end of her life.
Mary was so well prepared, so close to the Lord, that at the end of her life she didn’t
undergo decay but was taken directly into God’s presence. The promise of our Christian
faith is that death is not the final reality for any of us.
The Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary into heaven can serve as a signpost and a reminder. As we honour the Mother
of God, let’s also give a little thought to the end of our life, the hour of our death.
We have the prayers of Mary, now and at the hour of our death, but let’s also play our part.
Let’s recognise and affirm that death is a reality, one which we can all be prepared for.
How we live our now will be very relevant at the hour of our death.