Parish Retreat
The parish has arranged a retreat for the weekend 5th to 7th August
at An Tobar, Ardraccan, Navan.
We would love you to join us for some or all of the retreat.
The options are to start on Friday evening and stay until
Sunday lunch or come during the day on whatever day suits you.
The retreat will be lead by Fr Peter of Ardbraccan and
will include a talk/talks each day, Mass, opportunity
for Adoration and silent reflection in the gardens or many rooms available.
The accommodation (single ensuite room) is €50 per night.
The full weekend Friday evening to Sunday lunch
(all meals included) will cost around €145
Saturday morning to Sunday lunch €84
Saturday lunch and dinner €24
Sunday lunch €10
If you wish to recharge your spiritual batteries,
please contact Darina on to book your place.
Payment will need to be made the week before the retreat.